The Influence of Cultural Development on Changes in the Visual Space of Residence In Indonesia


  • Dwi Sulistyawati Universitas Tarumanegara
  • Imam Santosa Institut Teknologi Bandung


cultural development, residence, visual space


Culture is a way of life that develops and is shared by a group of people and is passed down from generation to generation. Culture is formed from many complex elements, including religious and political systems, customs, language, tools, clothing, buildings, and works of art. Language, as well as culture, are an inseparable part of humans so many people tend to think of it as a genetic heritage. Culture is all the designs of life that are made historically, both explicit and implicit, rational, irrational, that exist at a time, as a potential guide to human behavior. Understanding the space of human behavior is related to perceptions about space / building, symbolic meaning of space / building and the need for social interaction of space / building users related to Visual Space. Space always has a shape, a pattern is part of a situation that can change the pattern of human interaction. Shapes provide a major influence visually and relationship perceptions if desired, shapes can provide clues that consider the area in one section to be another separate part. Culture that develops from time to time is followed by a visual change in the living space in Indonesia. This is caused by the impact of the need or not for space that adapts to various complex design elements of life at a time because it was formed by the current environmental conditions, as a human lifestyle especially in Indonesia. Making an overview of Cultural Development from Traditional, Modern to Kontemporer related to the results obtained in the description of changes in visual space of residence in Indonesia through research in diachronic descriptive phenomena based on related sources.


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Author Biography

Imam Santosa , Institut Teknologi Bandung

Program Doctoral Faculty of Art and Design


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How to Cite

Sulistyawati , D. ., & Santosa , I. . (2019). The Influence of Cultural Development on Changes in the Visual Space of Residence In Indonesia. Proceeding of International Conference on Visual Culture and Urban Life, 123–128. Retrieved from