The Concept of Shadow In Wayang Kulit Purwa Performance of Pedalangan Surakarta Style


  • Eric Gunawan Presiden University


shadow, wayang kulit purwa, circuit of culture, javanese society, modern


Wayang is identical with shadow. However, nowadays wayang performance is equal to sinden. The existence of the singer originally serves the purpose of accompanying the performance, but since it has become popular, watching wayang is put on par with watching sinden. Physically, the stage and all of the other supporting elements represent the overall wayang kulit purwa performance. When it is related to the “wayang” terminology, the question of where the shadow is comes up. This paper will reveal about the concept of shadow. Wayang kulit purwa performance in the style of pedalangan Surakarta (hereafter: GPS) will be used as corpus. The elements of GPS circuit of culture will be adopted to analyse wayang kulit purwa. The elements include: production, consumption, regulation, representation, and identity. This paper will argue that previous studies on wayang kulit purwa GPS haven’t touched on the subject of regulation, related to the position of spectacle-spectator. The main focus of the study is about how shadow in wayang kulit purwa GPS performance is perceived by Javanese society in the modern era.


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How to Cite

Gunawan, E. . (2019). The Concept of Shadow In Wayang Kulit Purwa Performance of Pedalangan Surakarta Style. Proceeding of International Conference on Visual Culture and Urban Life, 182–190. Retrieved from