Narrative and Visual: Case Study 'Setangkai Daun Sorga' by Taguan Hardjo
literature, pictures, setangkai daun sorga, taguan hardjo, medan comicsAbstract
Medan comics are not much different from other comics that were created and enjoyed by many people. These comics had their own journey, sparked from revolutionary zeal from the hegemony of colonialism, imperialism, and from other inspirations. Many inspirations can also be gained from existing myths and folklores, as well as inherited themes; these, which inspired Medan illustrators, gave them a spirit and a certain identity. These themes then found their expression. Stuck in between literature and visual expression, Medan comics found their standard in the local figures and backgrounds. Even the costumes of its figures express the living attitude for the local culture. Medan comics, with their local spirit, involves the local genius of good morals through literature. This research explains the connection between literature and visuals or pictures that are available within Medan comics, and tries to develop a way of seeing by investigating the expressions of whatever influenced a comic artist, Taguan Hardjo. He is chosen as the sample of this research because of the number of his works, and the general acceptance of the proximity of literature and visual expression in his works. One of his works, Setangkai Daun Sorga (“Leaf from Heaven”)—which was an interpretation of a French work, shows the usage of words in visualization that creates a different identity. For example, words as the builder of stories are displayed in conjunction with the picture page, without frames or text balloons, as commonly found in other comics. This research looks at a comic by Taguan Hardjo, seeking ways in which literature influences the form of the comic in the integration between words and scenes as a picture. Comics are seen not only as the play of pictures and scenes; it can be seen as a room for meaningful expression within literature.
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