Learning Process For Special Needs Students Case Study of Deaf Students of Communication Visual Design Department of Faculty of Fine Art Jakarta Institute of Arts


  • Siti Turmini Kusniah Institut Kesenian Jakarta


learning process, deaf students, communication


Students with special needs of persons with disabilities, have got the right education and achieve its goal of being a quality human being, self-contained, and could benefit the wider community. Communication is main main obstacles of deaf students (deaf), which require special care in the implementation of the learning process,so that students can run a good education,to the maximum extent that the learning out comes of the course. Research case study methods with a qualitative approach to study the subject, object, and learning process. Research to see the right learning services for deaf students (deaf) includes learning methods and systems. How is the relationship between the role of the lecturer, and the learning process to wards the learning outcomes. Subjects in research; 4 deaf students (deaf) from Communication Visual Design Department with the courses research object with 4 credits, that is Basics Visual  Communication Design, Graphic Design Publication (Specialization in Graphic Design), Associative Illustration (Specialization Illustration). Communication problem can be overcome by using multiple methods and teaching aids. Deafness affects the development of language, the ability to socialize, interact, and cooperate. It is necessary to form a Student Service Unit with Special Needs to improve accessibility in learning services, writing training for deaf students, sign language training for the academic community, improve lecturers' competencies, and build awareness of the academic community


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Author Biography

Siti Turmini Kusniah , Institut Kesenian Jakarta

Design Communication Visual Faculty of Fine Art Jakarta Institute of Arts






How to Cite

Kusniah , S. T. . (2019). Learning Process For Special Needs Students Case Study of Deaf Students of Communication Visual Design Department of Faculty of Fine Art Jakarta Institute of Arts. Proceeding of International Conference on Visual Culture and Urban Life, 381–394. Retrieved from http://proceeding.senirupaikj.ac.id/index.php/xvicture/article/view/30