Analysis of Re-Branding Logo and Packaging in Fanta Beverage Products Using Semiotic Approach and Visual Attraction
branding, logo, packaging, visual attractionAbstract
Re-branding is an effort made by a company or institution to totally change or renew a company's brand to be better by not leaving the original goal of the company itself. Fanta has just re-branding the logo and packaging to further refine the product and launch the product the European continent in mid-2016. The re-branding then spread and officially released to all countries in the world including Indonesia in April 2017. Carrying the tagline "Fresh and Fun" re-branding is expected to better reflect the brand new Fanta brand identity. This research will use filling system techniques and use semiotic analysis methods. Data is interpreted, combined with concepts or theories that support the understanding of the phenomenon under study. Data is processed through observation, recording, according to the categories used based on the analysis method using the basic theory of Peirce's meaning triangle. Peirce's theory is a tool for analyzing new logos and packaging from Fanta's beverage products.
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