Reading Print Comics and Webtoons Panel Reading That Changes the Way and Feels of Comics Storytelling
This study aims to find and distinguish the ways of reading between two types of comics that are presented differently in two different media, namely print and digital media. This different way of reading changes how the story is conveyed and told visually, and it has differences in the order of seeing, rhythm of reading, and its tempo of delivering information. Because by changing the way of presenting information, the emphasis and the highlighted points in that body of information will change. This plays a role in the communication process. This study compares how information is presented in printed comics and digital comics in webtoon format. Samples were taken from action genre comics, namely Noblesse by Jeho Son and Kwangsu Lee and Angel Hearts by Tsukasa Hojo. To present action, a dynamic rhythm is needed and clear clarification between scenes is very important. By taking samples from comics that are in the action genre, the way information is conveyed is seen and distinguished from the tempo, reading direction and rhythm in the panel arranged in the format of the media.
McCloud, Scott.Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art. New York: Harper Perennial, 1993. Print.