Designing Visual Characters In The Preservation of Culture Through Social Media For Youth (studi case: Bali Culture)


  • Santo Universitas Sampoerna


trend social media, chatting sticker application, bali character, semiotic visual, culture, aesthetics


Communication is an absolute means for human beings, a new trend in communication between the technology around the world and the rapid development of mobile technology. The communication medium, Blackberry messenger, Instagram, using pictures or stickers rather than text. Through visuals, youth argue that they can increase the emotional expression in communication. New traditions emerge when smartphones can display complex visuals, and even become behavioral in the communication method. Of course this is an opportunity and encouragement of the emergence of a creative economy in creating Indonesian visual characters and also means of introducing and preserving Indonesian culture, to the young generation of social media users. The attention of researchers to introduce the culture of Balinese character with a contemporary approach to youths around the world. Researchers used a method of facial expressions as part of emotions combined with general visualization in sticker depictions. Semiotic theory is part of the method, because there is a simplification in creating visual characters to get visual characteristics that are in accordance with Balinese culture. Previous research on the visual arts of Indonesian culture and contemporary art as visual basic, so that good visualization can be applied and become a means of introducing and preserving social media application users, namely youths around the world.


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How to Cite

Santo, S. (2019). Designing Visual Characters In The Preservation of Culture Through Social Media For Youth (studi case: Bali Culture). Proceeding of International Conference on Visual Culture and Urban Life, 361–370. Retrieved from